Unfortunately I wasn't able to return to work between my 1st and 2nd Chemo treatments due to being so unwell (from side effects) followed by tonsillitis and a bad cold. I miss all of my work friends and am really hoping I will be able to return for a few days over the next couple of weeks - I also think it will be a nice distraction for me.
There are times when I feel I can never escape the fact that I have breast cancer. Obviously I can't run from it but everywhere I look something reminds me of what I am going through - whether it be all the drugs I have to take each day on the kitchen bench, the scarves I have in my bedroom, the many medical appointments in my diary or the hair I have lost in the bathroom. Sometimes I wish I could just get up, walk away from it all and pretend it was all just a bad dream.
My 2nd Chemo treatment took place on Wed 24th August back at The Mount Hospital. My lovely Dad came along to keep me company this time around (as Ryan had the flu) and we had a good time. One of the ladies was undergoing her last Chemo treatment and to celebrate, her Mum and sister came in with scones, cupcakes, lollies for everyone - needless to say, Dad has put his hand up to accompany me to Chemo again - he was well fed! I also got to meet a lovely new friend at Chemo (Jenny) who is unfortunately going through this battle / journey with me. She is a gorgeous girl and we were able to have a good chat whilst having our treatment. We are also in the same support group - The Young and the Breastless and I am looking forward to seeing her at the next meeting. Would you believe, we have a mutual friend too - Perth is so small!
As I have said quite a number of times over the past couple of months we are continually blown away by everyone's love and support. Last night was no exception! Our wonderful friends Nath and Sacha invited a few of our friends to their place to 'Shave for Em' and to enjoy some yummy wood-fired pizzas. A very big thank you to Nath, Benny, Goona and my hubby Ryan for joining me in my baldness and to Rockers for colouring her hair pink. You did a great job raising so much money for National Breast Cancer Foundation - can you believe they raised over $3,000!!! It was a lovely night and although I was absolutely exhausted, at least the nausea was kept at bay with the stronger drugs I now have. What a relief!
Although I have been very tired and achy all day, it has been nice just relaxing and enjoying some fresh air and sunshine. My parents had the girls overnight last night and Ryan's parents have the girls tonight. So wonderful to have such fantastic support from our parents especially on the weekend following my treatments - it is hard going and not easy running around after them when I am feeling so exhausted.
I hope you enjoy the below photos - including some from last night.
Just some of the many drugs I have to take whilst on Chemo
Our little Baylee wanting to be like Mummy
Brett and Ben (being shaved by Nath and Rockers)
Nath and Ryan (being shaved by Brett and Me!)
Group shot 1
Group Shot 2 (minus my scarf!)